Natural Lighting Will Be Your Best Friend

4 Simple Ways To Level Up Your Video Game

Lauren Hyland


People love video. It’s something we all know. Honestly, how many times a week do you Google something? And you search for a quick, easy to see and easy to understand video to help you accomplish your goal?

If you’re anything like me (mom, business owner, home owner, DIYer..), it’s happening a lot. Here are 4 simple ways to up your video game:


Let’s be honest, how annoying is it when you’re trying to watch TV but the light from the window is shining on it so you have to keep moving your head to see what’s going on? How annoying is it when the picture on the screen is fuzzy? How annoying is it when you have to squint to see something because the picture is too dark?

Our brains have adapted to expect super clear images on screens. 4k TVs, HD picture, super crisp automatic focus…

Why would the same not go for your Story, Reels or Lives? Don’t worry! The fixes are super easy.

· During the day, just get outside or in front of a window to film.

· At night, make sure you’re using the flash or

· Invest in a ring light or two.

*The ring lights are awesome. And it really isn’t much of an investment at all. I’ve had mine for over a year, it still works great and it cost about $25 on amazon.

Hands Free

Hands free is great because it allows your audience to see more of you. What am I talking about? They get to see your full range of facial expression, your body language, your dance moves, how you talk with your hands {insert will Ferrell GIF}

You’re no longer just a floating head that’s teaching at them. You become more of a person, someone that they can start to build a Like, Know & Trust factor with.

Instagram has a “Hands Free” option button when you go record a Story. Also, with my handy dandy ring light that I aforementioned, it came with a phone tripod and a Bluetooth remote. Taking “hands free” to a whole ‘nother level.


A fun way to spice up your videos is with props. Now, I’m not saying to go buy some oversized clown glasses and a fake mustache. I cannot with that unless you’re actually clowning. But I am talking about bringing in a cute, on brand chair to sit in while you film or holding a glass of wine as you chat with your audience. I’ve found that my people love seeing my kids, so I incorporate them (aka: I don’t kick them out of the frame when they come over and invade my space making goofy faces at the camera…) into my regular stories. People generally like to see pets, as well. But the point of props is to make your videos more interesting and eye catching.


I know, I know, sometimes when you’re going off in a great flow it can be really annoying to go back and add text to a video. BUT how many of you have watched Stories with the sound OFF? And if there was no text or something funny happening in the video, you swipe through? (Yes, YOU, put your hand up 🙋‍♀️ ). But if that same video would have had some summary text about what they were saying in the video, you read the text and tapped through to the next? (Yes, also YOU 👋🏼).

Adding text to your video will allow a broader audience to receive your message. So take the extra 90 seconds and add relevant, simple to see and read text to your videos.

I promise you, if you start to incorporate these 4 simple elements into your regular video content, you will see your numbers start to increase across the board; views, likes, shares, DMs and BUSINESS 🙌🏼



Lauren Hyland

Business Coach and Consultant | CEO Hyland Consulting LLC